
What are the Red Flags to Look Out For on a House Survey?

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What are the Red Flags to Look Out For on a House Survey?
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A house survey is one of the most important processes involved with buying or selling a house.

It can be completed in a single afternoon, but the issues it may raise will likely take longer to resolve.

In the blog below, we have outlined some significant red flags for a house survey.

1. Structural issues

Problems with the structure of a property are arguably the most significant because they can put the people living there at risk. Common examples include a damaged roof or foundation.

If this problem is highlighted on a survey, you should find out where it is, how severe it is, and how much it would cost to fix.

Keep in mind that not all structural issues can be remedied quickly, cheaply, or even at all.

For example, if the foundation of the house needs to be looked at, this is challenging.

Your surveyor will be experienced in inspecting many houses and can guide you on the severity of the situation.

You may want to get a specialist to examine the problem further, or you may want to avoid the house sale altogether.

Many people choose to reduce their prices after finding a structural issue with a property to reflect the costs needed to fix it.

2. Unapproved extensions 

If a homeowner has not received planning permission from a local authority, they cannot get an extension completed on the property.

Therefore, if your survey reveals that a previous extension was not approved, this must be taken seriously.

Many people choose to walk away in this situation because there is always the chance of retrospective action being taken by the local authority further down the line.

Furthermore, extra legal fees could be involved, as you may need to consult with an expert who can advise you on what to do.

For example, some lawyers suggest that you do not try to get retrospective approval and instead keep quiet about what has happened.

Either way, a lack of approval on an extension can open up a realm of difficulties you may want to avoid.

This is relevant for both financial reasons and for peace of mind.

3. Subsidence

Subsidence is often considered another form of ‘structural issue’, involving the ground under your property sinking.

This may cause the foundation of your property unstable and make living in the house unsafe.

Different things can cause subsidence, so you may bring in a specialist to assess what is causing it.

Some instances can be fixed, but others may be much more difficult, which will probably impact your choice.

Not only does subsidence devalue a property, but it also often requires you to take out insurance.

Combined with the safety issues involved, many people decide to withdraw from a property transaction once subsidence rears its head.

4. Neighbour disputes

Some neighbour disputes are far more severe than others, so getting details about the nature of the argument is an essential first step.

For example, perhaps the neighbours only had a problem with the house owners themselves and will be perfectly pleasant to you once you move in.

On the other hand, if the dispute concerns land, borders, or overlapping trees, it may be a headache that will extend to you.

Find out the problem, then decide whether it will cause any issues.

The most severe neighbour disputes can cause people to walk away from a deal, but it may not affect a sale on other occasions.

5. Damp

Unfortunately, dampness is pervasive in United Kingdom property, so it is difficult to find a house with none.

However, the severity of the dampness, where it is in the house, and whether any attempts have been made to fix it.

A damp specialist can look at the house and guide the best route forward. You may want to reduce your price offer on the house due to the damp.

6. Roof issues 

One of the most common problems in a house survey is issues with the roof.

After all, this part of the property is out of sight most of the time and is not regularly maintained, meaning that faults tend to build up.

A wide variety of issues occur on a roof – from foliage growing around the chimney or a couple of cracked tiles, all the way up to an unstable roof structure that needs to be replaced.

Gutters, satellite dishes, chimneys, insulation, and solar panels (where applicable) should also be looked at for your house survey.

7. Asbestos

You will usually need an asbestos expert to carry out an inspection of the house and assess how serious it is.

This expert should also be able to provide guidance on what can be done to manage the risk if you decide to move in there.

Listen carefully to the feedback you receive from the inspection, and decide whether you are still willing to live in the house.

You will undoubtedly want to reduce your offer or perhaps even walk away (depending on the circumstances).

8. Pest problems

Unless they can be immediately removed, pest infestations usually cause you to reduce your offer.

Some pest problems are more severe than others. Specialist exterminators can assess – and hopefully -fix the issue in most cases.

But even if a pest problem is fixed for the time being, your house may be positioned in a ‘susceptible spot’ (i.e. due to the animals that live in the area, your proximity to a forest or river, and so on).

9. Electrics

A wide range of electrical problems can exist with a house, from small repairs to rewiring needed for the entire property.

You should contact an electrician who can assess the danger and give information on what needs to be done to fix it.

If remedying the situation is expensive, you will usually want to reflect this in your price offer.

Furthermore, if the electrical problem is likely to happen again, this may create a safety concern, especially if you have any young children in the house who may put their fingers in places they should not.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with the problems flagged up in your house survey.

But getting an expert to provide additional guidance and then reflecting this in your price offer is usually an excellent place to start.

What are common house survey problems?

The frequency of specific structural issues can vary depending on the property’s age, location, and other factors.

Some relatively commonly occurring issues are:

  • Damp
  • Roof Damage:
  • Subsidence
  • Asbestos

Invasive plants, electrical safety, window condition, drainage, and insulation are also serious concerns. However, they may not be as widespread as damp, roof damage, or subsidence.

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