Many homeowners want to add value to their property.
There are many small changes they can make to achieve this.
However, red tape can be an obstacle to more significant changes.
In the UK, this means dealing with planning permission.
What is planning permission?
Planning permission is official approval from a local planning authority (LPA) for certain types of development, including:
- Constructing new buildings (e.g., granny annexe, garages, outhouses, etc.)
- Major alterations to existing structures
- Changing the intended use of land or buildings (e.g., from residential to commercial use, making a house into flats, etc.).
Planning permission was first introduced in the Town and Country Planning Act 1947. This required consent from all new developments before proceeding.
The UK’s planning system is designed to ensure that developments are sustainable. They must also align with local policies, which may vary.
When is planning permission strictest?
1. Conservation areas
Areas with special architectural or historic interest. Stricter rules apply to preserve character.
2. National parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty
Developments in these areas are subject to stricter scrutiny to protect scenic landscapes.
3. Listed buildings
If your property is listed, any modifications need listed building consent. Along with planning permission.
4. Green belt land
Strict planning controls exist to prevent urban sprawl and protect green spaces.
Even small projects that permitted development rights would cover these protected zones. They may need full planning permission.
How do I get planning permission?
Planning permission can only your local planning authority (LPA). There are 337 of these in the UK.
So, to get it, you must take the following steps with the correct authority:
Gather your documents
Gather all the necessary documents. Your LPA can give a list of everything you need.
A typical application needs:
- Site plans
- Design plans
- Access statements.
Submit online
Applications can then be submitted online through the Planning Portal. Or via your local council’s website.
Wait for them to review
The LPA will review the application against the local development plan.
This considers factors such as:
- Appearance
- Impact on traffic
- Infrastructure availability.
Most applications are processed within 8-13 weeks.
If your application is denied, you can appeal the decision.
Does it cost money to get planning permission?
Yes, there are fees associated with submitting a planning application. As of recent guidelines, the costs are below.
£462 for a new single dwelling. £206 for householder applications (e.g., extensions).
£460 for full planning permission. £230 for smaller household applications.
£600 for a full planning permission application. £300 for minor works.
Additional fees may apply if you need to amend an application or apply retrospectively.
Some exemptions exist, such as works for disabled adaptations.
Does getting planning permission before selling increase house value?
Yes. It usually does. It removes uncertainty and simplifies the renovation process.
What happens if I make changes without getting planning permission?
You shouldn’t do this because you risk enforcement action.
This means that your LPA can issue a notice requiring you to undo unauthorised work.
All changes must be reversed, often at a tremendous financial cost.
Ignoring an enforcement notice is illegal. It can result in fines or prosecution. However, you can appeal the decision.
You can apply for permission after work is completed. But there is no guarantee of approval, and it is simply not worth the risk.
To avoid these complications, always check planning requirements before beginning any project.
Even if you don’t believe the changes you have in mind warrant it, it’s always worth checking to avoid unpleasant – and costly – surprises.
If in doubt, seek professional advice to ensure your project meets all legal requirements.